In a way that only Lisa could pull off, she left us in exactly the way she had planned (a year or so ago, I awoke at 5am to find her furiously typing said plan for the end of her natural life). The plan was to be at Trinity Hospice with her husband and parents. The plan was that we would be overlooking the beautiful gardens. The plan was that it would also be peaceful, beautiful, tranquil and pain free. I probably don't need to tell you that Lisa ticked all of those boxes (what can I say? Some people are just so damn talented that they can plan for any eventuality).
The story doesn't end here. One of her great and oldest friends @quarkmonkey introduced Lisa to journalism at University (Toby, perhaps only Berry Gordy can match you in the talent spotting stakes) and it's therefore highly appropriate that he should become guardian of the blog. His partner in crime - @wardotron - will be joint custodian. I hesitate at affording him the title of guardian (he's a Forest fan).
We, her family and closest friends, feel complete and utter devastation that is matched only by resounding pride that she was, and will forever be, our girl. For us, it's a time to privately shed tears and to reflect on what she meant and will continue to mean to us. Lisa, I love you with a passion that burns as brightly as you did. Your light will never ever go out.
I'm now going to hand you over to the much more capable hands of @quarkmonkey who'll share his thoughts and then more anon.
Toby, over to you...
Lisa Lynch. It's time I told you a few things, Lisa flipping Lynch.
The truth is, Mac (and yes, you've been branded 'The Mac' for 15 years) is, well the truth is, you've right royally pissed me off.
First off, you should see the emails I've had since I've started looking after So many people desperate to tell me how wonderful you are and how you have inspired them and so on and so on…
… no, hang on, that's not why I'm annoyed with you.
OK, let's go back a bit. Remember back at Loughborough University? I was editing the student magazine, and on one dreary Monday night when I was hip-deep in deadlines, you wandered into the office, bright as a button. You'd been to a Bluetones gig the night before and written a review, plus a few other bits and bobs. Would I find them handy, you asked?
Well I did. Because to be frank, you'd written solid gold. But then… just as I was breathing a sigh of relief that The Mac was on the team, you casually mentioned that, actually, you were off to Norway for six months, to wrestle puffins or some such. Remember that? Yeah? Thanks for that. THANKS.
Actually, no, that's not it either.
Alright. Remember how you got to be editor of Real Homes Magazine before your 26th birthday? Remember how everyone watched your career skyrocket once you arrived in London, and all me and Ward could do was humbly joke about biding our time and scrounging a job?
No, that didn't really annoy me actually.
How about when you told us you had breast cancer? Then you took the horror and the fear and the pain you went through and somehow, using that insane work ethic of yours, turned it around? You wrote and wrote and before we knew it, you'd become this brilliant blogger who could reach and inspire thousands of readers. Remember when you got "The 'C' Word" published? And you made me cry like a little girl on the bus home from work as I read it?
Nope. That's not why I'm cheesed off with you right now.
Or when your cancer went into remission? Then, just as we all stopped holding our breath and joined you in looking forward to a life beyond The Bullshit™, you emailed me to say it had returned, and that this time it was terminal? And just a few short weeks later, with a cruel twist of the knife, you told us that the years you promised us were now mere months?
Even that, Lisa bloody chuffing Lynch, isn't why I'm hacked off at you.
Lisa, I'm pissed off with you because, on Monday, just as I was waiting for you to recover from the latest Bullshit™ tsunami, working on this blog and feeling useful, my phone rang.
It was Pete.
"I just wanted to let you know… Lisa passed away this morning at about half past nine."
He told me that you died peacefully with him and your family at your bedside and that you weren't in any pain, and I think every single person reading this will take comfort from that.
But there I stood, numb, phone in hand. What? It didn't compute. Lisa Lynch, stellar overachiever, swearer extraordinaire, grammar scourge, champion kicker of the Bullshit's arse, wasn't invincible after all?
THAT'S why I was so angry.
Except it's not really true is it? Because, Mac, you are invincible and you always will be. You could have laid back and submitted to The Bullshit's grip and not one person would have thought badly of you. But instead, you shone even brighter and more brilliantly than any of us could have imagined.
This blog is testament to it. Here you remain, a part of everyone who loves you, who cried along with you as the road turned rough and laughed as you wrote with humour and tenderness and life.
You're still right here. You are here in these pages. You are here in the lives we led with you. You're here every time I watch South Park or play "Abbey Road". You're here right now as I write this, nervously second-guessing my own grammar.

So while it seems like you've left behind a loving husband and a devoted family, and an army of friends and followers who cared for you so so deeply, it isn't really true.
And even though I'm angry because I've lost my incredible friend who I loved so very much, it's also pretty obvious to me that you're not going anywhere.
Lisa Lynch. 1979 – 2013.
Toby, over to you...
A Message for Lisa
The truth is, Mac (and yes, you've been branded 'The Mac' for 15 years) is, well the truth is, you've right royally pissed me off.
First off, you should see the emails I've had since I've started looking after So many people desperate to tell me how wonderful you are and how you have inspired them and so on and so on…
… no, hang on, that's not why I'm annoyed with you.
OK, let's go back a bit. Remember back at Loughborough University? I was editing the student magazine, and on one dreary Monday night when I was hip-deep in deadlines, you wandered into the office, bright as a button. You'd been to a Bluetones gig the night before and written a review, plus a few other bits and bobs. Would I find them handy, you asked?
Well I did. Because to be frank, you'd written solid gold. But then… just as I was breathing a sigh of relief that The Mac was on the team, you casually mentioned that, actually, you were off to Norway for six months, to wrestle puffins or some such. Remember that? Yeah? Thanks for that. THANKS.
Actually, no, that's not it either.
Alright. Remember how you got to be editor of Real Homes Magazine before your 26th birthday? Remember how everyone watched your career skyrocket once you arrived in London, and all me and Ward could do was humbly joke about biding our time and scrounging a job?
No, that didn't really annoy me actually.
How about when you told us you had breast cancer? Then you took the horror and the fear and the pain you went through and somehow, using that insane work ethic of yours, turned it around? You wrote and wrote and before we knew it, you'd become this brilliant blogger who could reach and inspire thousands of readers. Remember when you got "The 'C' Word" published? And you made me cry like a little girl on the bus home from work as I read it?
Nope. That's not why I'm cheesed off with you right now.
Or when your cancer went into remission? Then, just as we all stopped holding our breath and joined you in looking forward to a life beyond The Bullshit™, you emailed me to say it had returned, and that this time it was terminal? And just a few short weeks later, with a cruel twist of the knife, you told us that the years you promised us were now mere months?
Even that, Lisa bloody chuffing Lynch, isn't why I'm hacked off at you.
Lisa, I'm pissed off with you because, on Monday, just as I was waiting for you to recover from the latest Bullshit™ tsunami, working on this blog and feeling useful, my phone rang.
It was Pete.
"I just wanted to let you know… Lisa passed away this morning at about half past nine."
He told me that you died peacefully with him and your family at your bedside and that you weren't in any pain, and I think every single person reading this will take comfort from that.
But there I stood, numb, phone in hand. What? It didn't compute. Lisa Lynch, stellar overachiever, swearer extraordinaire, grammar scourge, champion kicker of the Bullshit's arse, wasn't invincible after all?
THAT'S why I was so angry.
Except it's not really true is it? Because, Mac, you are invincible and you always will be. You could have laid back and submitted to The Bullshit's grip and not one person would have thought badly of you. But instead, you shone even brighter and more brilliantly than any of us could have imagined.
This blog is testament to it. Here you remain, a part of everyone who loves you, who cried along with you as the road turned rough and laughed as you wrote with humour and tenderness and life.
You're still right here. You are here in these pages. You are here in the lives we led with you. You're here every time I watch South Park or play "Abbey Road". You're here right now as I write this, nervously second-guessing my own grammar.
So while it seems like you've left behind a loving husband and a devoted family, and an army of friends and followers who cared for you so so deeply, it isn't really true.
And even though I'm angry because I've lost my incredible friend who I loved so very much, it's also pretty obvious to me that you're not going anywhere.
Lisa Lynch. 1979 – 2013.
Such terribly sad news, a true inspiration, a star and a damn amazing lady.
The Bullshit never really got her, she gave it bloody hell.
Wherever you have taken yourself off to now Lisa, have a ball. I know you will xxx
So very, very sad news. I'll keep Pete, Lisa's family and friends in my thoughts and prayers. RIP Lisa, you'll be missed by all of us here.
I'm reading this with tears in my eyes, i have been an avid follower of Lisa's blog for a long while. My thoughts and prayers with her family and friends for the loss of such an inspiring woman, r.i.p.
As heartbreaking this is to read, I'm glad she's not in pain anymore. So much love to all her friends and family, and thank you you keeping us all updated in what is undoubtedly the most difficult thing you've had to go through. I've loved this blog from the very start and I'll continue to love it as long as anyone posts.
I don't think 'Rest in Peace' really quite covers it, does it? Party in the stars, gorgeous girl, you've got front row seats in that rock star show in the sky x x x
Reading this with tears streaming down my face, so sad for Peter and all of Lisa's family and friends. Lisa was a shining light to all of us who read her blog and always will be R.I.P.Lisa
Thank you so much for writing this. It's beautifully done x
So sorry to hear this, Lisa was beautiful, funny and a brilliant writer. I'll miss her. Much love to P and the family.
Thank you for that, Toby. You made me cry. Well actually, not you didn't, cos I was crying alreadyat the big Lynch-shaped hole in the world. Sithee, Lisa, you improved a grey old world immeasurably.
Never to be forgotten - you inspired me and made me smile at a time when I thought I would never smile again. Bless you xx
Sleep tight Lisa.
I'm so sorry to hear this news. Our thoughts are with you. All I can say is that it sounds as though she lived a hell of a lot, had amazing friends and a fantastic family, and left a big impact on the world. Thank you for letting us know.
So eloquently, beautifully and honestly written. Thank you.
So many of us found Lisa when we were grappling with the Beast ourselves, as I did. She taught us so much. Love to you, Pete, and all her friends and family. She'll be missed forever.
Lisa inspired so many, she will continue to do so. Thoughts and prayers are with all who love her and the many many more who will miss her. Thank you for letting us share in her story.
Such sad news - thank you for the post, it really does her justice. And thanks to you, Lisa, for you blog and your courage.
Words cannot even began to express how saddened I am to hear this news! I'd just discovered "THE C-WORD" on january 30th, in the hospital, for my first treatment/surgery for cancer. My aunt had sent me the book to read for encouragement, because, as my aunt said, "Lisa sounds a lot like you & things you've said going thru this".. I have to admit, I never finished the book due to that frightfully true fact, that everything she'd wrote sounded just like everything I'd been saying & thinking.. Though a different cancer, I referred to it as "lumps & bumps", because, you know, it sounds a lot better then "Cancer".. & "the bullshit", as Lisa would say, had spread farther then any of us could have prepared to be told.. so I found this blog ,in hopes of grand news, full recovery, & a Cancer free life! But saw that it'd come back.. & my heart dropped.. Lisa has been in my thoughts & in my prayers everyday! My thoughts & prayers are still with Lisa, her family, & her friends. I am so sorry for your loss. Lisa Lynch was, is, & always will be an inspiration for others, like myself, to stay strong no matter what final outcome this bullshit has in store.
Devastated. Not unexpected, but devastated nonetheless. Rest in peace Lisa and much love to the family. x
I echo what several people have already written, far more eloquently than I; Lisa gave me the scaffold upon which I rebuilt myself. She gifted me words when my own lexicon failed me, she made me smile when I never thought I would be happy again. Lisa explored, raged, laughed, and swore her way through cancer. Along the way she gave so many of us a "how-to" guide of getting through the day.I am sitting on my kitchen floor across the pond in rural New England, sobbing. She wrote about, "taking these broken wings and learning to fly". I will never forget dear Lisa for helping heal my broken wings. May the entire Lynch family find comfort.
Hi buddy.
You're so great.
Thanks for everything.
Love to all of you. Pete, and his and your families, and everyone who, like me, felt like part of your family because of your openness on this blog and in the book.
So sorry to hear this news and my thoughts are with all of Lisa's family and friends. May she now rest in peace. She was a true inspiration.
Oh my goodness, I am so, so sorry to read this news. I was fortunate enough to share some tweets with Lisa and what a fantastically lovely person she was. I feel utterly terrible for you P, her mum, dad and bro and sis in law and ofcourse little Corey, and Sgt Pepper. What a legacy she's left in her inspirational writing. What a gal. xxx
Awesome tribute by both of you. Had really been hoping for a miracle. I guess her LIFE, her joy, her humour, her attitude ARE the miracle.
Such terribly sad news. My thoughts are with Pete and her family.
She also lives on in the courage she helped so many other people find in their own battles with the Bullshit™. That is a great legacy my lovely.
Such sad news. I really hope she realised how brilliant she was and how many people gained strength and smiled because of her book and her blog and her tweets. Thoughts of comfort and love to her husband and parents who must be so proud of her. Thank you for sharing with all of us 'virtual' friends x
Love and thoughts to all Lisa's loved ones. There was much to love xxx
There has got to be a better way of saying how sorry I am than saying "I'm so sorry" but at the moment, I just can't think of it.
All thoughts and love to Lisa's family and friends - she wrote like a dream, laughed like a drain and made me absolutely delighted every time I read her or chatted on Twitter. Whadda gal.
I've always been a lurker here but just had to leave a message today.
After reading The C Word I became an follower of the blog and after a period of silence was heartened to find a new update a few weeks back, albeit not from Lisa herself. Absolutely devasted to read today's entry - to Pete & Toby thank you for sharing this with us it must have be so hard. It has been so unfair to take Lisa but I hope you find comfort in the fact so many of us will be thinking of Lisa today and beyond. She is an inspiration to us and will never be forgotten. Thinking of you all.
Jenna xxx
What a life. What a girl. What a gang. XXX
Rest in peace Lisa. My thoughts are with your lovely husband, family and friends. Thanks for your wonderful writing which has done so much to raise awareness about our cancer experiences x
Love from Suzanne x
Im angry, Im mad, Im vex. knowing that we wont hear your cyber voice anymore just cuts me deep Lisa. Your voice carried me through some dark days and nights with my own breast cancer.
But on the back of that Im happy, happy that I came to know you, understand you, laugh with you, cry with you and share with you the ups and downs of having breast cancer. Happy you got to see your lovely little nephew come into this world.
Im happy that you are in a great place, not suffering, probably giving grief to some angel gezzer who dared to ask you who you were at the pearly gates! I hope you carried a copy of your book girl!
To her family - no-one knows the pain like you do right now. No-one knows how it physically hurts your stomach when you think of the beautiful woman that has been taken from you - but know this - she will be OK, its you guys we now have to look out for and help support you through your own suffering - Lisa isn't suffering anymore - she is at peace, perfect peace.
All thats left to say is Lisa Lynch was.......IS one amazing woman whose legacy will continue in years to come.
Rock On Lisa.....ROCK ON!!
God bless angel. It's a testament to your life, Lisa, that people are writing about you with such love, fondness and laughter. Can't think of anything I'd want more when I move on to my little cloud than to have people remember me that way.
I have been a lurker on the blog for while, but never commented. Today however, I have to.
Lisa was an eloquent, brilliant, funny writer and you have written a wonderful tribute to her Toby.
My thoughts go out to Lisa's family and friends at this terribly sad time x
Love to you all, go and drink champagne and toast her life.
Devastating news. We will all miss you. You will live on in the amazing things you've done. You achieved more than most of us could ever hope to. I will be making a donation to Mulberry at Trinity in your honour.
Rock on Lisa. xx
Devastating news rest in peace Lisa x
Lisa I didn't get to know you as well as I'd have liked to. But the way you dealt with Every. Fucking. Thing. head on and with humour will stay with me always.
Huge amounts of love to you all. xx
I never met Lisa but this is the only blog I read - her writing and her fighting spirit (and that bloody video she got Dave Grohl to make) shone so, so much brighter than most other blogosphere business. And it still does. And that's the fabulous thing. G'night chuck. God bless xx
Lisa LONGSTRAW. This was NOT in the plan.
Hand on hip face.
Lisa Lisa. My lovely sofa sharing, cake eating, putting the world to rights over endless cups of tea, Lisa Lisa. My lovely, lovely Lisa Lynch. Bloody Nora.
Yeah, so I've been crying since Monday. Crying for Pete, for all your family, for your best mate Corey, for Sgt P, for me, for all the people who never got to know you like I did. having you in my life was bloody brilliant, but like Toby said, you ain't going nowhere.
Through all of it, I watched in wonder. I am going to miss you more than I think even I know.
Lisa Lisa, our lovely Lisa lynch. You did yourself proud.
Love you always and forever. Your Lorna Longstraw x
Heartbroken by this news. I have no words.
I've been unable to stop reading Lisa's blog since it first appeared in glamour magazine (god knows how many years ago?!) and although I didnt ever know her or any of the other amazing people in her blog I am distraught to hear this news. She brought so much amusement and light into the world for me through her blog so I can only imagine how amazing it must have been to know such a bloody fantastic woman as a friend, family member or husband. I am so sorry for your loss of such a incredible person. xx
So terribly sad news, we will all take inspiration from Lisa
I've been following the blog for years now, but sometimes only intermittently recently. For some reason I thought of Lisa this week and decided to check in. I am so so sorry to hear the news. We chatted a bit on Twitter and she was always so sweet and funny. I didn't stay here because it was a cancer blog, I stayed because she was someone who I wished was my friend in real life. I laughed, I cried, I agreed with views on the X Factor and Coronation St. I can't even begin to imagine how devastating this is for family and real life friends. She will be in my thoughts as will all of you xx
oh crap - crying at my desk. The world is poorer at Lisa's departure. We never met but she was a mate. RIP and all love to P and the family x
Lisa I followed you and your blog, through which you shared your tears and laughter. I never met you but I feel I know you so well this is a testament to your incredible style of writing and fighting spirit. You encouraged me and countless others to fight through the tears and fears of a secondary breast cancer dx. Its so unfair you were so special. RIP, you will stay forever young and too young to be taken. Love and light xxxxx
I found Lisa's blog when first diagnosed with breast cancer. Her humour, her stories - it all made this seem a little more tolerable. Thank you Lisa for being hilarious, for sharing, and for the honesty.
My thoughts are with her family & friends. Please accept my deepest sympathies. ~Catherine
I found Lisa's blog when I was diagnosed in 2010. It was reassuring to read about someone else going through it, and seeing how positive, funny, and relentless in their way forward through the shit. I only "knew" Lisa through her blog, but I'm guessing she was even more awesome in person. My thoughts are with Lisa's friends and family. I'll miss reading her profanity filled blog posts,that always made me laugh.
R.I.P to an amazing, inspirational woman. Much love to those left behind.
Lisa, even at a time of such sadness, your blog is a place of humour and comfort.
You have made such a difference to so many people, many of whom never even knew you. Gone far, far too soon but you have still managed to make such an impact and leave such a mark, for which you and your family should be eternally proud.
To Peter, your family and friends, my love and best wishes. Someone who loved and was loved, as much as Lisa, is never truly gone.
Lisa, I hope you're pain free and basking in the sunshine.
I am heavy hearted and have no words! I'm so sad for the world has lost an amazing warrior. Sending peace and love to all who have felt this loss. Rest in peace my warrior friend...
So so sorry to hear this news, Lisa was an inspiration and above all else seemed like an amazing woman to know. Thanks for sharing Lisa, you will be so missed. Love to all your family at this horribly sad time xxx
I've never commented on here, but have been reading Lisa's blog for several years now. I'm so sad, even though it was inevitable. I hope she continues to kick arse wherever she is now as much as she did down here. RIP Lisa and sleep peacefully x
So sad and so sorry for the amazing loss to each of your lives. I really can not imagine what P and mum and dad and brother and family must be going through right now. But what a life to leave behind. I for one now feel lucky and humbled to be here each and every day and I thank Lisa for being such an inspiration right to the end. xx
That is sad news. Somehow I always thought you would make it Lisa.
I have read your blogposts and tweets since your message reached me here in Sweden a few years ago and I - as many others - will miss you.
My heart goes out to your dear husband and your family.
What a remarkable woman you are Lisa. I am sure you will continue to reach out and touch peoples lifes for many years.
I've been struggling to find words since I saw this sad news on Friday.
I've been following Lisa's blog for over 4 years now and have laughed and cried in equal measure and amazed at her ability to express things so well. I'd already been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer then and so hoped that Lisa would not find herself in that position so it feels surreal that I am still here and she is not. Her legacy will go on. I never met her but she has been such an inspiration to me and I feel helped so many people whether affected by cancer or not in how to confront and deal with such difficult circumstances but to never lose who se was - clearly a very bright light indeed which will never go out in the hearts of those whose lives she touched.Thingking of her beloved P and family and friends.
Anne xxx
Thoughts are with your friends and family Lisa. Thank you for making me laugh and cry in equal measures over the years. x
Oh no. So many people will miss Lisa terribly. We all hoped she would have longer. I'm in floods of tears and I only knew her through her writing. Much love and sympathy to all Lisa's family.
Such sad news.. I've got MS and Lisa's determination to live life to the full in spite of the shitty cards she had been dealt was and is an inspiration to me. My thoughts are with you P. She touched thousands with her courage, determination and humour. Her love of DCFC, was bit off-putting, I thought, but no one is perfect.
I still owe her a pint at the cider bus too. I'll raise a pint to her memory at Glastonbury this year....
I just thought I'd check Lisa's Twitter account, and saw the news. My thoughts are with everyone who knew and loved her x
Although news of her death is tragic and heartbreaking, the beauty of her life is, as you say, a light that will never go out.
Although it may have ended her life in the end, the cancer didn't win. Lisa won by turning The Bullshit into gold. She turned something hateful and horrible into something filled with love and positivity, something that will help people for evermore, for as long as humans exist, and that's wonderful. To make of something so hideous something so inspiring and positive is the ultimate achievement in life.
Wishing peace to her loved ones.
Have decided that" triumph in the face of adversity" should be re-named. " Lisa in the face of The Bullshit" has a much better ring to it. You are my heroine and I will remember you always. You made me feel humbled, even in my darkest hours fighting this shit of a cancer you were a star shining brightly when my world was dark. You will continue to shine. You are immortal. You are Lisa Fucking Lynch x x x x x x
There will never be another Lisa Lynch. I hope you're resting peacefully now.
The Bullshit is a fucking arsehole for taking you. (Just because I know how much you told me to swear!)
Millie x
She was bloody amazing. There's nothing more to be said except to say I'm thankful I got to know her through her blog and I am sorry for our loss.
I popped over here today because I realised I hadn't had an email reminder of a new post from the wonderful Lisa. I am so, so sorry to read that she is no longer with you and us, her virtual friends. My heart goes out to you at this sad time.
I'm so very sorry. She was such a light. Love to everyone who knew and will miss her.
I never knew Lisa. Never had a conversation and a giggle with her, or sent her an e-mail, or commented on her website, or had any contact at all. All I did was lurk in her blog, and read her posts avidly. Even then I was a Johnny-come-lately: I only started reading Alright Tit last spring, when for some unaccountable reason I went through a period of reading everything cancer-related I could find.
I love the blog. I love her vibrant, straight talking, tell-it-like-it-is style, and her extraordinary ability to relay the humour and absurdity of her situation even in the midst of utter horror. She describes situations so vividly that you're there, right there with her, through all the consultations and treatments, operations, chemo, pain, anxiety and hair loss - which she deals with in typically robust style by becoming a "wig-slag". You're with her through the good times with her much loved friends and family: shopping trips, birthday parties, holidays and Christmases and the birth of her nephew. And through the remission and then the re-occurence. With her all the way into the hospice.
Her blog wasn't about cancer: it was about life, with cancer.
I never knew her. But I'll miss her.
Carol xx
Thank you so much Pete & Toby, and everyone who has commented...
I can't see my keyboard, but I just wanted to send my love
Lisa you fought one hell of a fight, never expected any less from a plucky Midlander.
I wish I'd met you but I loved you anyway.
My thoughts are with P, your parents, brother, sister in law, nephew and the army of friends both in real life and across the world.
You did good girl, fly high and be pain - free xx
Hi P and Toby, Undoubtably, that must have been such a difficult thing to do. To break the sad news to so many friends. Well thank you from me, for doing it so sensitively. I am truely honoured and totally humbled, that she once called ME inspirational? ...Nope,....not a smigin.xxxxxx
Dearest Lisa, on Tuesday night I was desperate to tweet you after walking past my boob doctor outside my was weird boob moment and you're the only one I wanted to share it with! Just like the fact I chose green walking poles for my trek up Everest last year on my bigadventure. See you're my first proper internet friend. Someone I loved sharing the highs and lows with. Someone I looked on fondly at for your great husband and family, your very Britishness (I can't think of anyone more equal to the saying "keep calm and carry on") and travel insurance wows. I'll miss you my friend and I want to extend my heartfelt sympathy to your adoring family and (real life) friends. You've been a ray of sunshine as I travelled the world and I'm sure the memories we all have of you will keep your spirit alive.
PS have I used your and you're correctly?!
Lisa - I never knew you personally, but I love you and will miss you terribly. Your blog was an inspiration to me, and made me laugh out loud on many an occasion. You were first diagnosed just a couple of weeks after me, and you were able to put into words exactly what I was feeling but couldn't express. Peter - you were a husband in a million and Lisa was lucky to have you to support her through the darkest times. My heart goes out to you at this tough time but I know that your life has been enriched by having a wonderful person like Lisa to share the last few years with. Love to you, your family, Lisa's parents, Jamie, Leanne and everyone. May Lisa's light shine on in your world for ever more..
So sad to read that Lisa has died but glad to hear that she achieved the passing that she wanted, without pain and with her family. I stumbled onher blog very shortly after she started writing it and followed her progress checking in with an occasional comment. Faced with such a heartbreaking story, I felt that my comments could not add to her life but wanted her to know how much she had touched mine and still does.
My thoughts go to her beloved husband, parents and real-world friends.
To Pete and Lisa's family and friends:
I offer my sincere condolences for your loss of your dear Lisa. I have read and enjoyed her blog for the past few years and I will miss her a lot.
My love to you all - even though you don't know me - it is coming your way.
RIP Lisa. An inspiration to everyone. Sincere condolences to Pete and family.
That was a wonderfully written tribute. You did her proud.
Ruth x
I've only just found this blog today but have been reading up on Lisa's past blog posts and appreciate her honesty and think it's wonderful that she had such amazing support. Her candor in the face of such a challenging situation is incredible, and I think she's done a lot to teach people about cancer, how people deal with it themselves, and how their family and friends can help and be supportive of people in those situations. I feel lucky to have connected with her writing and experiences.
RIP Lisa, an inspiration for many and I hope your next journey is one of fun xx
My thoughts and prayers go out to Lisa's husband, family and friends.
You're attitude to life truly inspired me. You are such an inspiration to us all!
Rest in Peace Lisa.
Just reading this thoughts, prayers, and many hugs to Lisa's friends and family, especially to P. Heaven just got a whole lot more awesome. We'll all miss you Lisa, even those of us that never met you in person. We'll continue to fight the Bullshit! xx
I am still crying.You are an awesome woman. So strong. Will be so missed. Only wished we were friends in real life. I also am dealing with breast cancer, mets to liver, brain. Just read your awesome book. Jackie, USA, NORTH CAROLINA.
Ive read this blog as a lurker while going through my own titty crappy crap. I was hoping I wouldnt be reading this. Lisa was and will continue to be a wonderful help to others going thru the shite. A young woman taken like this is just so friggin unjust. I loved lisas sese of humour and her attitude helped me deal with my breast cancer. She did more than any doctor or nurse and im a nurse myself! Dont get taking any shit where ever you are chick cos you never took any here! You go girl & rock with the angels. Xxx
Was away so only now reading the sad news that Lisa passed away. Lisa you were in inspiration to so many people as we battle our own cancer demons. Your book was the first thing I read three years ago after diagnosis and it helped me so much. Its rotten that the cancer took you at such a young age. I hope your husband and family get comfort in years to come from the lovely memories they have of such a brave woman.
Just want to pay my respects to a really great author and obviously a genuine lovely person. I just finished her book c-word and loved it. All the best to the family and friends of such an amazing person!
I am sad to say I had never heard of lisa, but after watching the heart warming tribute tonight; I have to say what a credit she is to her lovely family and of course her husband. I had to come and look at the blog, it will take me forever to read it all but read it I will. What a fantastic, beautiful funny lady x
I'd never heard of Lisa until the programme tonight and now I'm crying reading her blog too late to tell her anything. A tragic loss of a beautiful young lady with everything to live for. You (her family) must have an ache in your hearts beyond compare. Bless you all.
I can only go on how lisa and her amazing family and friends were portrayed in the BBC programme.
I never knew of lisa's blog and have never experienced anything like this either but like millions of others who will have the seen the programme will have been SOOOOOOO touched by her story just like myself and maybe many will just stay with their thoughts oh what an AMAZING person she is ! I myself just wanted to say hello to lisa and her family personally ..... WOW .... what a lady .... what a family .... My love . My wishes . My thoughts I send to you . God bless . Darren .x
I only very recently heard of Lisa. The trailers for last night's drama brought me to google her blog a few days ago. I have only dipped in and out as unlike Lisa I am a coward and have cherry picked bits to read. I didn't watch last night, ordinarily it would have been something I would have watched and wept along to; right now I am not that brave. I too, like many others who have read Lisa's blog am battling this bastard disease and I am still fluctuating between denial, anger and fear. I am only a couple of months in and don't feel I have 'fully signed up' to what it means for me, my other half, my child, other family members and friends. I have however been keeping a journal, so to speak, of my journey as I am sure many do, I am not sure why I am doing so it just feels the right thing to do. I hope that no one ever needs to read it and that in many years from now when I am old and grey I will stumble across it in an archived file I forgot about. There are no guarantees in life but I sure hope that is how it will be. So Lisa thank you for your courage and openness and where ever you are in the universe I hope you are free and proud. What a terrific legacy you have left your lovely family.
I watched the programme last night through several bouts of tears some sad but some happy memories.... I remember doing some shopping at the supermarket near us and my sister Dorien looking so forlorn and fed up .... next thing was she lifted off her not natural wig off her head , stuck her tongue out and continued to do the rounds of the shop feeling a lot more comfortable !! I can almost hear her say " Oh what the Hell - at least I can be comfortable now! " Sending Love to her family - CHEERS ! xxx.
Only heard of Lisa a few days ago.and I am saddened by her also proud of her passion for life and her will never tk let it get her down she is without a doubt an inspiration to us all.and Sheridan smyth did her proud .I cried alot watching The C word . good bye lisa lynch xxx
Thank you from the bottom of my heart now I know how my mum is feeling with the Bullshit what's going on in her head rest in peace sweet lady xx
I would like to pay my belated respects to Peter and his and Lisa’s family and friends. I am so grateful for your‘s and Lisa’s allowance for her very personal battle with the ‘Bullshit’ to be viewed by people like me….I am in Peter’s position where I have been supporting my 14 (now 16) year old son, Aidan, who is dealing with a sarcoma which has gone to his bones but is now stable and I pray, pray, PRAY that this bastard of a disease will leave his body for ever. I wish I could support him during his revision for his GCSE’s but I also want to let him know that I am so very proud of him.
Listening to your Lisa’s journey (which was a mirror image of Aidan’s) made me weak watching it but calmer afterwards with a weird sense of elation (which makes me guilty in feeling) as it meant that we were not alone.
Thank you so much
I sit here at home watching your heart breaking 'Bullshit' story with tears in my eyes and such a heavy heart but knowing you were so loved with such an amazing husband and wonderful family around you can only make me feel so happy that you were truly loved and had such wonderful people surrounding you when the 'bullshit' finally hit the fan! Rest peacefully beautiful lady and may you continue to shine brightly xx
I want to know how Lisa's brother is. I'm 17 and recently lost my brother to cancer. I'd really appreciate if someone can help me out... love to the family hope they're all doing well. Lisa and Jak will be having so much banter up there!!!
Wow! What an inspiration. In this celebrity obsessed society there are true heros and heroines - you are the absolute etitome of this.
The world salutes you.
I've just watched the c word didn't know if I could as I've lost 4 of my lovely brave and like Lisa best people in my world ! To BULLSHIT ! It was hard but poignant to see has my wonderful friend netty did a lifetime blog too x my recent loss of a similar girl to Lisa called sandra always smiling throughout the bullshit ! Bless to u all xxxx
I only found out about this after watching the BBC programme - much too late. What a wonderful spirit Lisa had. I wish I’d known her. She absolutely lives on in what she has taught the rest of us about making the most of life no matter what it throws at you.
I only found out about this while watching the BBC version of events. Much too late! What a wonderful spirit and loving family Lisa had - I wish I’d known her. But she absolutely lives on in what she’s taught the rest of us about how to make the most of life - no matter what it throws at you.
I've only recently seen the film the C Word and wanted to thank you all for releasing this. Whilst I haven't had cancer, my Mum did & died from it in Nov 11. This film and blog has given me an insight into what my
Mum went through - you see, she kept her pain etc to herself even though we all rallied around her and begged her to let us help. She always put others first and did so right till the end when she didn't need to tell us what pain she was in as it was written all over her face. She'd nursed her own Mum years earlier with the same disease & back then it was a long hard painful process. Hence why she didn't want any of us kids to nurse her. This blog shows me how brave she was and how others must feel going through such an awful time. I'm so grateful for this site and thank Lisa for being so brave and for thinking of others. I can at least be glad my Mum saw my baby son before she left this earth a month after he was born. Bless u all xxxxx
Like many others on here I hadn't heard of Lisa until it 'The C word' caught my eye on i-player. I watched it on Sunday evening and I immediately related to Lisa's experiences as I was diagnosed with an agressive breast cancer, also estrogen receptive. This was 2006 and I was 42. The film was excellent and very real - no hype just telling it as it is because Lisa did tell it straight. I wish I'd known her but feel that in a strange way she's telling me something now. Lisa sadly passed away actually on my 50th birthday. Bless you Lisa and bless your loving friends and family for sharing your story. Xxx
Hi, I have been putting of watching the C word, but have finally got round to watching it and I just felt I had to write to let you know what an effect it has had on me. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer over 15 years ago and battled through many of the same things that Lisa did including a mastectomy and chemo and radio. Listening to Lisa's words and explanations really helped me to truly understand what my mum went through. I have held on for so long to the guilt that a lot of what she was feeling and going through was my fault. However Lisa's words helped me to see the truth through all the 'bullshit' and how much the cancer and chemo affected her. More than I could have realised. Unfortunately my mum past away 12 years ago when similarity to Lisa the cancer returned. I was able to draw so many parallels and to gain an adult understanding of what my mother was going through as I was only 16 at the time of her first bout with cancer. Ultimately I just want to say Thank you for being strong enough to tell Lisa's story and I hope you find some comfort in the knowledge that she has helped another person with her wise and wonderful words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Martyn
Like the latter people on here I only caught your story too late thanks to the c word. An amazing woman who throughout her ordeal was happy chirpy and thinking of others. My heart goes out to the family and friends left behind. After the show was on I went to my local library and loaned the book out. It was so new they had to get it from the delivery area. I read with such sadness to know the ending but the pages kept turning so hear her narration of this evil disease. I hope her family and friends have gone forward as best as they can and will remember the Lisa they loved. Cancer is evil and destroying lives but Lisa had a way to turn it around. Well done. I will think of you on June 18 and think how life can be so cruel. Rest in Peace and friends keep smiling. Love to you all. X
I've just finished watching The C Word and felt compelled to write to you all in the hope Lisa's Dad still gets excited about receiving comments. Your amazing wife, daughter, sister has inspired me to grab life by the balls and live it. For myself, my loved ones and for Lisa.
What an incredible lady she was that she can touch so many people's lives for the better. What a legacy she has. My thoughts and love are with you all. Now I'm off to do something for Lisa xxxxxxxx
Watching (laughing and crying) with The C word now and thinking how much my amazing wife who died this spring would have enjoyed hanging out with Lisa x
I have just finished watching The C Word and am filled with admiration for Lisa's courage and determination. As a cancer survivor I identified with so much, felt the desparation, the fear, the relief amd the joy, I also appreciated anew the helplessness of my family and their suffering. Lisa made a great contribution to helping people understand what cancer is like from the perspective of the patient. I want to belatedly express my condolences on her loss and my thanks for ensuring that he memory and message lives on. It is a horrible disease, in whatever form. We can just look it in the eye and remain hopeful that we will come out on top. Happily, more and more are savouring that victory. For all of us, Lisa's writing will continue to be inspirational.
Today, 01/06/2018. I decided to check out Lisa's blog, since I'm in the middle of the book and I'm already loving it. Many similar things happened to me. A serious illness at a young age. Chronic renal disease. I discovered it at age 17, today I'm 19. Why so new? But what I regret was that I went to the blog before finishing the book. Because? Because I discovered that Lisa died. I do not know if the book will speak, but I'm broken and crying like someone so close to me. But maybe it is, I have not finished the book yet, but I already learned a lot with Lisa and P. Especially about love (it's a few months before my marriage). I am desolate. I hope you (friends and family of Lisa) can read this with a thank you. By showing us how even evil can do good, unfortunately the end was not one of the best, but it served many people to think better about life through you. At heart, thank you! (FORGIVE MY ENGLISH, I AM FROM SALVADOR-BA AND I AM USING THE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR)
-Mayla, 19.
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