Saturday 8 March 2014

Lights, camera...

Well things have been quiet here at AT Towers, I admit. It’s coming up on a year since the old bird stepped out and left me, Tim Cook style, in charge, and it’s admittedly been a quiet six months since the last birthday posts. For me and for everyone who’s been part of the Alright Tit story, it’s been a time to reflect.

And yet this wouldn’t be Lisa’s blog without her still managing to surprise us all from time to time, and last Friday, on a dreary drive to work, I got an email from Pete with a link.

“Sheridan Smith to play cancer blogger Lisa Lynch”

Actress Sheridan Smith will play journalist Lisa Lynch, in a BBC adaptation of The C-Word, the book which chronicled her fight with cancer.

Now, truth be told, this wasn’t completely out of the blue – I knew that there was a script bubbling away somewhere and that the awesome Ms Smith was linked to it, but seeing it there all official-like on the BBC News site was a whole different matter.

We held off on announcing until the official press release came out (you can find it here) and then a week of me freezing up in front of the keyboard dragged it out until now, but here it is. Lisa, our awesome, gorgeous and thoroughly amazing Lisa, is back and will be hogging the prime time schedules one night soon.

It’s early days yet but rest assured, there’ll be more to come and I’ll be doing all I can to keep you all posted as the 90-minute drama develops. But in the mean time, a couple of thank yous.

Thank you Sheridan Smith. I thought you were lovely in “The 7.39” and it’s pretty clear that Lisa thought you were the dog’s bollocks too. You are going to do a wonderful job playing our girl.

And most of all, thank you Lisa Bloody Lynch. You just refuse to stop amazing us all don’t you?


Unknown said...

Sheridan will do Lisa proud - I have no doubt.

sophdea said...

Really excited about this. Loved the book. Admire the woman. Await the TV show!

moomyj said...

Two words.......oh wow!

Lisa said...

I think she would be over the moon. :)

SuperLucky Di said...

This is amazing! I love Sheridan. It will be very special to have a little bit of Lisa back with us on the tellybox. x